
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
It's Always the Year of the Asshole
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
Thursday Jul 14, 2016
At a recent comedy show there was a table of disruptive people. They weren’t heckling the comedians directly, just talking animatedly amongst themselves. This seemed odd since this wasn’t a random bar show. It was a fundraiser with tickets sold in advance. These people had chosen to be there and yet their incessant chatter created a distracting undercurrent of noise that lasted the entire show...

Monday Jul 04, 2016
At the Cleaners: How the Everyday Can Just Flat Out Get Away From You
Monday Jul 04, 2016
Monday Jul 04, 2016
I went to the cleaners the other day and as I pulled out my last item of clothing I saw a crumpled claim ticket in the bottom of the tote bag. I used to put my cleaners tickets on the refrigerator so I’d remember them, so of course I didn’t. My refrigerator is a jumbled graveyard of baby pictures of grown people, save the date wedding invitations for divorced couples, calendars from the turn of the century, and business cards for defunct companies. I know. My refrigerator really needs to get its shit together. So I decided to put my cleaners ticket in the bottom of the bag of clothes to be taken out. Makes sense right? A good plan predicated on going to the cleaners on a fairly regular basis... Read the Post

Sunday Jun 26, 2016
When You Want to Hug A Stranger in Dunkin Donuts
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
Sunday Jun 26, 2016
In Dunkin Donuts there was a Young Woman sitting at the table next to me. She was talking on her cell phone and upset because another girl had deliberately shoved her out-of-the-way to get on the bus. And in an I-can’t-take-it-anymore moment she shoved the girl back and they got into a fight. Tearfully she said, “This happens all the time. I don’t want to fight. This is not who I am. I’m sorry. This doesn’t happen when I’m with you. I feel safer with you.”

Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Bitch, Am I Boring You?
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
Wednesday Apr 13, 2016
After our second session I fired my therapist. Two meetings are what it took for me to see we weren’t going to work out. And I’d really hoped we would.

Sunday Mar 27, 2016
A Death in the Family
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
Sunday Mar 27, 2016
I found out about the death of a cousin on Facebook because that’s how we learn of these things now. READ THE BLOG
Leighann Lord is a veteran stand-up comedian seen on HBO, Comedy Central, and The View. She is the author of Dict Jokes and Real Women Do it Standing Up; and is a co-host of StarTalk Radio, with Neil de Grasse Tyson. Follow her @LeighannLord | VeryFunnyLady.com. To join TeamLeighann: Text FunnyLady to 22828. Listen to the podcast of her blog on iTunes and Stitcher Radio.

Thursday Mar 17, 2016
And How Are You Today? A Tale of Reverse Customer Service
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
Thursday Mar 17, 2016
First of all I had no business being in Macy’s, especially the 34th Street Mothership. But I was in the neighborhood, I needed a bra, and so there I was strolling through the lingerie department like I had money and boobs.
The Urban Erma, the longest running column on StageTimeMagazine.com, was created and written by stand-up comedian Leighann Lord. Listen to the podcast on iTunes and Stitcher Radio. Get her e-books on AMAZON!

Monday Mar 07, 2016
Today Is My Mom's Birthday and She's Not Happy About It
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Monday Mar 07, 2016
Today is my Mom’s birthday and she’s not happy about it. How can she be? She (and she is not alone in this) has succumbed to the constant subliminal and overt cultural messages that discount the value of older people in general and older women specifically.

Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Don't Hate on the Skinny Girl at the Gym
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Wednesday Jan 06, 2016
Okay, we’re a few days in and you’re still up for making a good-faith effort on your New Year’s resolutions. If one of them is going to the gym, do yourself a favor. When you get there, please don’t hate on the skinny girl.

Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Indignation vs Communication
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
Thursday Dec 10, 2015
I was excited about a new bit of material I’d written because I’d only thought of it that morning; fleshed it out that day, and gotten it up on-stage that night. That’s my personal stand-up comedy trifecta. With some tweaking I think it can really be something. CLICK HERE TO READ THE BLOG

Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
A View From the Bridge
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
Wednesday Nov 18, 2015
The first straight play (non-musical) I did in college was Arthur Miller’s A View from the Bridge. That was the semester I was supposed to be taking a break from theater to focus on my studies. I only went to the audition to help out as a reader. And because I had nothing to lose I gave it my all and I got cast in lead. And so it was a wonderful surprise when my then director and former professor recently invited me to see a matinée performance of the new Broadway production of the show at The Lyceum Theater.