
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
Geriatric Stranger Danger
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
Wednesday Sep 30, 2015
New Yorkers are not rude people. It’s just that we can get through the day without a lot of extraneous chitchat. We can communicate with each other with a quick chin lift, a head nod, and if need be, a series of simple yet eloquent hand gestures. When I first began travelling outside the City, I was baffled by the strangers who spoke to me for what seemed like no reason. ‘Good morning?’ What the hell is that supposed to mean? Is this a set up? What kind of scam are you running here? ...

Sunday Sep 13, 2015
My First Dragon Con
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
Sunday Sep 13, 2015
My Seven Favorite Moments from The Con
I was invited to perform at my very first Dragon Con in Atlanta, Georgia. For science fiction/fantasy fans this is like being asked to suit up and be the starting quarterback for your favorite team during the Super Bowl. I am not a casual sci-fi fan. It’s my area of expertise when I co-host StarTalk with Neil de Grasse Tyson. I’ll spare you my long list of book, movie, and TV show loves. Just know that my geek runs deep, or so I thought until I got to Dragon Con.

Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
Mission Accomplished: Welcome to Fog-a-licious San Francisco
Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
Wednesday Jun 10, 2015
I’m geeked to be working in San Francisco this summer. They say its California’s version of New York, so I feel right at home in another city I can't afford to live in. Since it’s my first time in this bucket list city – I already gotchu, Minneapolis – I intend to make the most it. My first official tourist act was strolling through The Mission. Well, actually, the first Cali thing I did was go shopping at Ross. I bought an $8 dress that probably won’t last the week, but it's pretty and it made me happy. READ THE BLOG

Tuesday May 26, 2015
Bite My Shiny Metal Ass
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Tuesday May 26, 2015
Thanks to Netflix I’ve now watched all 10 seasons of Futurama, the science fiction animated cartoon series created by Matt Groening (Simpsons). It began in 1999 on FOX and ended in 2013 on Comedy Central. Digesting 14 years worth of an awarding-winning TV show in just a few months adds to my sci-fi street cred but it’s changed me. READ THE BLOG

Wednesday May 13, 2015
Name That Dog
Wednesday May 13, 2015
Wednesday May 13, 2015
When a friend group texted that she was getting a pair of dogs – golden doodles, adorable – for her daughters, we immediately began suggesting pet names. Over the course of two days (geez, maybe it was three) we all had a blast sharing possible nom de pups that I saw had cultural, musical, and generational relevance. In an example of the upside of drinking and texting we began with "Barnes & Noble" and ended with "Simon & Schuster." Take a look at our list and see if we missed any. Feel free to add to the list and share which one you like the best. READ THE BLOG

Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Hey Baby Girl
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
Thursday Apr 30, 2015
“Baby Girl.” That’s what James Evans, the father on Good Times, called his daughter, Thelma. Years later it’s also how Bernie Mac referred to his youngest niece on his self-titled TV show. Baby Girl is a familial term of endearment within the African-American community. In my family I’ve had many pet names including – but not limited to – Boo, Slow Poke, Madam, and She Who Must Be Obeyed 2.0. READ THE BLOG

Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Tuesday Apr 21, 2015
Someone said, “Leighann, what’s your favorite romantic movie?” Believe it or not I’ve never been asked that before so I had to think about it for a second. My head tilted to the left, my eyes stared off into space, and my body went still. I do that sometimes when completely caught off guard. It looks like I’m processing a data download from My Mothership. “What’s my favorite romantic movie?” I was as shocked as anyone when I heard myself say, Hellraiser.
Leighann Lord is a stand-up comedian, author and co-host of StarTalk with Neil deGrasse Tyson. Get her e-books on AMAZON!

Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
The Middle of the Night Phone Call
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
Tuesday Feb 24, 2015
One of my biggest fears is that I’ll get a Phone Call From Home in the Middle of the Night when I’m too far away to do anything about it and once again I’ll be angry that we still don’t have Star Trek transporter technology; and disgusted that we invest more time and money in restricting human movement then in facilitating it. READ AND ENJOY THE BLOG at TheUrbanErma.com.

Thursday Jan 22, 2015
A Day in the Life of a Standup Comic: Just Writing
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
Thursday Jan 22, 2015
One day when I was waiting for the subway, a young woman with an expensive camera introduced herself as a Columbia University graduate student in its photojournalism program and asked permission to take my picture. If it was a scam – and I always think everything’s a scam – it sounded like a good one so I said, yes. When my train came and we were about to part ways I gave her my business card hoping she’d send me one of the pictures but equally sure I’d never hear from her again. But she emailed me that night and asked if I would be the subject of her day-in-the-life class project. Again, I said, yes. READ THE BLOG

Thursday Jan 01, 2015
A Year Without A Dog
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
Thursday Jan 01, 2015
We lost our dog, Rolie, last January 2nd. Everyone says it’s hard to lose a pet because their love is unconditional. That’s a nice sentiment but they clearly didn’t know my, Rolie. His Doggie Daddy often said, “Rolie has more personality than most people.” So true. His Lordship was moody, surly; and love – as he doled it out – was completely conditional and on his terms. This was puzzling since he had terrible separation anxiety and followed us around everywhere, but got annoyed when we did the same to him. When he felt crowded and wanted his space he’d up and leave – sometimes mid-tummy rub. And we were to consider ourselves dismissed. READ THE BLOG